Tsavo Mkomazi Ecosystem Meeting Held Today 10/03/2018.
The meeting was held in Taveta Town as the 5th meeting since the Quarterly meetings started.
These meetings bring together all stakeholders in the Tsavo Mkomazi Ecosystem to address common challenges faced by the Two Countries in the same Ecosystem that range from Security:
Human Wildlife Conflict, Smuggling, cross border Cattle theft, Illegal herders in the parks, Bush Meat, Illegal migrants, and Poaching.
The Team seeks to seeks to find better collaboration mechanisms, to effectively manage the common challenges faced.
It was agreed such meetings be further cascaded to lower cadres, Security teams constantly share information, meetings be held on a regular basis preferably quarterly, and conduct joint patrols.
Standing are DCs From Tanzania (Mkinga & Same) and Kenya (Voi, Taveta & Taita)
Chapisha Maoni